Welcome to the updated website of SIA Baltic Wood Trading! We believe that every stakeholder, customer and cooperation partner will feel the modern touch of BWT.lv, will find extensive information about our various options and wide range of products, and how to contact us conveniently…
SIA BWT Timber noslēdzīs līgumus ar Latvijas Investīciju unattīstības aģentūru (LIAA) un Akciju sabiedrību „Attīstībasfinanšu institūcija Altum” (ALTUM) par atbalsta saņemšanu uzņēmuma attīstībai.
For construction materials, roof slats and decking boards, a very important factor is the treatment of the material or impregnation against wood-destroying organisms and insects, so that these timbers last as long as possible...
One of the main products offered by our company is structural materials C24, which are widely used in the construction of wooden frame houses, and the production of modular houses...
Let us know Your needs and wishes – we will prepare the offer and get in touch with You!